EnteraGam® uniquely binds microbial components,1 such as toxic substances released by bacteria, that upset the intestinal environment. This helps prevent them from penetrating the lining of the intestine, which may contribute to chronic diarrhea and loose stools in people who have specific intestinal disorders.2,3
EnteraGam® patient support & pharmacy services
This program offers product savings, personalized pharmacy services, and other helpful information

- Horgan A, Maas K, Henderson A, Detzel C, Weaver E. Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate binds to pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Poster presented at: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology; April 26-30, 2014; San Diego, CA.
- Petschow BW, Burnett B, Shaw AL, Weaver EM, Klein GL. Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate: postulated mechanism of action for management of enteropathy. Clin Exp Gastroenterol. 2014;7:181-190.
- Gasbarrini A, Lauritano EC, Garcovich M, Sparano L, Gasbarrini G. New insights into the pathophysiology of IBS: intestinal microflora, gas production and gut motility. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2008;12 Suppl 1:111-117.
Intended Use
EnteraGam® is a medical food product intended for the dietary management of chronic diarrhea and loose stools. EnteraGam® must be administered under medical supervision.
Important Safety Information
EnteraGam® contains beef protein: therefore, patients who have an allergy to beef or any other component of EnteraGam® should not take this product. EnteraGam® has not been studied in pregnant women, in women during labor and delivery, or in nursing mothers. The choice to administer EnteraGam® during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or to nursing mothers is at the clinical discretion of the supervising physician.
EnteraGam® does not contain any milk-derived ingredients such as lactose, casein, or whey. EnteraGam® is gluten-free, dye-free, and soy-free.
Please see .
To report suspected adverse reactions, contact Entera Health, LLC at 1-855-4ENTERA (1-855-436-8372), or the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 (1-800-332-1088) or www.fda.gov/medwatch.
EnteraGam® is manufactured and
distributed by Proliant Health & Biologicals, LLC.
©2023 Proliant Health & Biologicals, LLC.
Ankeny, IA 50021
ENT100P0121 01/22
The product information provided in this site is intended for residents of the United States.